Summary of Information (SOI)

The communication from developing country Parties to the UNFCCC on how the safeguards of REDD Plus are addressed and respected throughout the implementation of REDD Plus is presented as a Summary of Information (guided by Decision 17/CP.21). This is a report, which can be part of a country’s National Communication or may be submitted voluntarily via the REDD+ platform on the UNFCCC website. This submission is a requirement for obtaining results-based payments, as per paragraph 4 of Decision 9/CP.19.

Summary of UNFCCC Guidance on Content of SOI (Decision 17/CP.21)

  • Information on REDD+ activities are included in the SOI (para. 4)
  • Information on national circumstances relevant to addressing and respecting the safeguards (para. 5a)
  • Description of each safeguard in accordance with national circumstances (para. 5b)
  • Description of existing systems and processes relevant to addressing and respecting safeguards (para. 5c)
  • Information on how each of the safeguards has been addressed and respected (para. 5d)
  • Any other relevant information (para. 6)
  • Improving information taking into account a stepwise approach (para. 7)

In 2016, Malaysia submitted its first SOI to the UNFCCC.